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Cannabis cookies from Cannabis Bakehouse

Who doesn't like a tasty cookie every now and then? This chocolate chip cookies combine the best of both worlds: a delicious snack and your daily dose of CBD in one. Ideal and delicious!

Chocolade and CBD in one cookie

The delicious CBD cookies are provided with chocolathe, crispy chips and very high-quality CBD. Each cookie contains 25 mg CBD and with this concentration it is ideal for dosing perfectly and getting your daily portion. In addition to being a source of CBD, the cookies are also a source of protein!

  1. Delicious snack
  2. Rich in proteins
  3. 25mg CBD per cookie
  4. Easy to dose
  5. 100% THC-free
  6. 100% legally available in the Netherlands
  7. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans
  8. GMO-free
  9. Also suitable for children

CBD cookies: something for you?

Who doesn't like a tasty cookie every now and then? This chocolate chip cookies combine the best of both worlds: a delicious snack and your daily dose of CBD in one. Ideal and delicious!

In principle, our CBD cookies are suitable for everyone, including the vegans among us. Thanks to its delicious taste and medium dose of CBD, the CBD cookie is certainly one of the most important ways to take CBD. It can sometimes be difficult to get children to swallow CBD, for example because of the taste of CBD oil or the size of a CBD capsule. The CBD cookie is not only a tasty treat, it is also a good alternative to another CBD product.

The CBD chocolate chip cookies are made from flour, baking powder, vanilla, butter, salt, sugar (brown and white), distilled CBD oil, eggs and walnuts. The amount of CBD in the cookies varies. This depends on the amount of CBD one can consume in a day. At Cannabis Bake House we adhere to industry guidelines for the CBD ratios in the cookies.

Softer than normal Cannabis cookies

The butter and eggs in the cookie make the CBD Chocolathe cookies softer than your normal cookies. The cookies are prepared at temperatures up to 150 degrees Celsius to prevent the chemical component of the CBD from being destroyed. The chocolathe is the main ingredient in making these cookies. When baking the cookies, the chocolade and CBD perfectly mixed. The CBD chocolathe cookie is very attractive to those who would not normally take a cannabis-based product. The CBD ChocolaThe cookies have a small size, making them easy to eat. Unlike other cookies, the CBD contains Chocolate Cookie no THC compound.

By eating the CBD Chocolathe Cookies solve both your sugar cravings and the medicinal side effects. By eating these cookies you can improve blood circulation in your body. Your mood and well-being can also be improved by this chocolato consume the cookies. In addition, it improves metabolic processes in the body and reduces inflammation. In addition, the cookies are good for your digestion. The cookies ensure that all residues are removed. Finally, the body is very relaxed by the CBD Chocolato consume Cookies and your fatigue will disappear.


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